Reviews of previous students
A lot of other students already did their internship in Malta and they all had a great experience on this fantastic island. They learned a lot, explored the island, and had a really good time over here.
Most of the students chose to do their internship in Malta because it is an English speaking country in Southern Europe.
Hereunder you can find the experiences of some of the students who preceded you with doing an internship abroad in Malta.
Do you, like the students below, also want to do an internship in Malta or do you still have some questions? Please feel free to contact us via email or WhatsApp.

Reviews of other students
Anoesjka - HR internship
"The best memory about my internship was to explore the island with my friends."
Julia - Marketing internship
"Stagekampioen arranged a great marketing internship for me."
Joost - F&B internship
"I learned a lot during my internship in Malta! You get to know another culture and meet a lot of new friends."
Lindsey - Front Office internship
"Highly recommended!
I had a great internship, thanks to Stagekampioen Malta."
Jordy - Sport & Event internship
"Stagekampioen arranges everything down to the last detail."
Sylvana - Front Office internship
"If you get the chanche to do your internship abroad, just do it!"
Jessica - Marketing internship
"You need to go abroad at least once in your life, what an experience!"
Linda & Frederique - F&B internship
"Our internship in Malta was over before we knew. We had a great time!"
Jard & Britt - HR internship
"We had a great time in Malta, we will never forget!"
Mathijs - Front Office internship
"Quick response via WhatsApp and they help you with everything you want to know."
Stan - Evenements internship
"The nightlife in Malta was perfect! I am happy that I did this internship."
Yoshi - Junior Accountmanager internship
"I improved my social skills in Malta and I met a lot of friendly people!"
Gemma - Healthcare internship
"I would like to recommend Stagekampioen Malta, so you can also get a great internship!
Quinten - Toerism internship
"Doing my internship in Malta is the best choice I ever made so far!"
Stephan - Event internship
"If I could do it again, I would definitely do it!
Xem - Grafisch vormgeving stage
"Je leert heel veel nieuwe leuke mensen kennen en je bent eigenlijk nooit alleen."
Lotte - Communicatie
"Malta heeft mijn hart gestolen en mijn stage is de perfecte plek."
Juela - Onderwijsassistent
"Really enjoyed Malta and the school where I worked!"
Liselotte - Sales
"Stagekampioen heeft mij geholpen bij het vinden van een hele toffe stage."
Tim en Laurens - Makelaar
"Wij hebben samen stagegelopen op Malta en erg genoten van het eiland!"